Technologists are calling on the government to include ICT and the use of Technology in the next budget because they believe the budget allocation will enable the sector to thrive.
According to them, it is time for the government to invest heavily ICT in the various educational institutions in Ghana.
The call was made by the Microsoft Technology User Group Ghana, a community that focuses on the uses of technology to develop the county.

Empirically, technology started decades but advances in Science and Technology started since 1945.
Developed countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany and Western European have used technological advancement to develop their country from automobiles, business, transportation, communication, and industrialization.
Ghana-based Information Technology (IT) professional, Mr. Abou Conde who won the best Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award and some Ghanaians IT experts believe Africa countries including Ghana is yet to adopt the use of Technology in Africa.
Though Ghana is making strides in this area, much still needs to be done that, experts in the field believe that Ghana can go far if policymakers make available funds to the sector.

According to a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping Specialist, Cyhana Lena Williams, the data collection system in Ghana is not encouraging.
Indicating that, technology can be used to track down environmental pollution, road construction, architectural planning, and security supervision, therefore emphasized that Ghana can go far if policymakers make available funds to the sector.
On his part, Mr. Julian Bennett, Lecture at Academy City College alluded that, developed countries and developing countries have used technology to stabilize their economy and improve the standard of living.