The attention of New Okaff Industries have been drawn of some unscrupulous people who have used some evil cunning ways of producing some of our product called Af CONFIDENCE Insecticide which is a multi-purpose product for farmers.

The Original Af Confidence is being package in a yellow gallon, the sticker is stipulated boldly on it where by the name of our product is written like this ‘Af CONFIDENCE’ Insecticide

There are images of Cocoa, Pawpaw, Tomatoes and other food stuff vertically displayed on the sticker. The 7 main functions of Af Confidence is on the sticker. These are,
1.Kills Mirids(Kum Akate and Atee)
- Kills stem borers(Kum Akokono)
3.Removes Spirogyra (Yi Apotobibile)
- Controls black Pod diseases.( Kum Anonom)
5.Maintain Flowers( Gyina Nhyrene)
6.Produce more fruit and quality beans(Eso Dosoo)
- Enhances chlorophyll to produce green leaves (Ahahan Fromfrom)
The fake ones are in a white gallon with a fake sticker to represent the original one.

Kindly study the images carefully and know the original from the fake. We really care for our farmers so we want them to feel safe.

Kindly call the Marketing Director,Mr Richard Owusu 0242567383 for further details
Source: Business