Electoral Commission official attending to a voter
Story by: News Desk
According to the Executive Director of Center for National Interest and Research, (CNIR-Ghana) Engr. Kudiabor Dzabaku Ocansey, it’s time politicians and the entire Ghana realize that democracy is more than just, holding elections and exchanging of power; it is also about fostering social and economic freedom for her citizenry.
To him, the current economic difficulties is as a result of failure to recognize the above by people in power, thus, Akufo-Addo led- government.
“Patriotism means to stand with the country,”, he stressed in a press release issued on 25th January, 2023.
In the release, he noted that, the Center for National Interest and Research is monitoring the current socio-economic situations in the country.
Stressing that, “if care is not taken this could lead to a very serious social and economic disaster”.
Adding that, these calamities or economic turmoil were as a result of ignoring the following factors:
i. The falsification or fabricating of Ghana’s past.
ii. A constitution with “WEAK” controls, brakes, checks, and balances in which both extreme party politicians of the Fourth Republic have enjoyed for the past 30 years and more.
With regards to the above, Engr. Kudiabor Dzabaku Ocansey reiterated that, to there is no politician who served or still serving under the Fourth Republic and the same constitution has anything valuable to offer to this nation or the next generation.
However, indicated that, “unless we find an obvious way of restoring trust in politics by ensuring that politicians are accountable for what they say during their campaigns and do when in office, they must not be seen as being above the law”.
“There must be the possibility of legally enforcing the law against their failed election promises”, he stressed.
Adding “We are not surprised to have witness this unfortunate situation at this time citing George Washington, the first independent president of the United States who served his country without running on the ticket or platform of any political party who used his selfless and non- partisan position to unite America and stabilize the nation’s fledgling democracy and independence.
After serving two terms in government, he declared that he would not run for another term in order to avoid being corrupt stating unequivocally that the “spirit of political party” “serves to divert the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It causes unfounded suspicions and erroneous fears, stokes and division within the community, and occasionally incites violence and insurrection”.
The stability of the republic, he said, was under threat from forces such as political factionalism, geopolitical sectionalism, and foreign meddling in domestic matters.
“Because so many individuals and institutions have started to put their loyalty to partisan political parties and interests above their loyalty to their country and its common good, for national interest, Ghana is currently in the deepest, bottomless political pit, rendering our political independence useless”, he bemoaned.
“The current hanged Parliament of (137+1+137) under the 1992 Constitution, which was believed to have been our savior have however fallen short of expectations, failing to rein in the executive and gain the confidence and trust of Ghanaians, he noted.
Stressing, “It has horribly fallen short of public expectations, especially when it comes to limiting the executive’s overbearing control and policies.”
As a result of that he explained that, the nation is now facing unparalleled social and economic problems adding that, many Ghanaians have lost faith in both political party politicians and politics as well as the 1992 constitution.
On the way forward, he said Ghana desperately needs a stabilizing philosophy, in order to leave a legacy of strength, integrity, honesty, and a sense of national purpose.
“The entire nation needs to experience a resurgence of patriotism, similar to the era of our unsung business and nationalist Heroes”.
Also, the need ro encourage the younger generation to rethink politics and/or political office holding in the 21st century and beyond as a shared responsibility and one’s service to his/her country but not as an employment, a profession or profit making Fathers.
And also, sharing the chronological accomplishments and contributions of our unsung business and nationalist heroes who made significant selfless contributions to Ghana’s social, economic, and political history from (1897–1957) as our principle Founding Fathers.
Falsification or distortion of Ghana’s founding fathers’ history he bitterly said served the purpose of a specific selfish interests rather than the country’s best interests.
“As a result, a group of people may start to believe that they alone own a community or a nation and that they alone are entitled to all of that nation’s governance and resources”.
He recounted some of the regrettable statements such as “Ghana will not have a history if the role of the people of” Akyem” is removed from Ghana’s history”, “People from areas with insufficient natural resources shouldn’t be given political authority to run this country”.
These statements in reality he noted rather end up destroying the country and to advance our social and economic independence, the Center is urging all Ghanaians who have their “country’s interest at heart” to rise up and join the national interest movement campaign towards a knowledge-based revolutionary strategy, towards a Centenary Republic where every will have an equal social, economic and political rights.
Source: www.thenewindependentonline.com