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Ricky Kasise Peprah writes: FIT FOR PURPOSE, ABIRIGO FRANCIS

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Abigiro Francis

It is said that it is the folly of the wise to sit aloof while matters that concern them are being discussed or worse still, decided. In this way, they forfeit the right to be disappointed when wrong choices are made.

The time to choose our representative has arrived and we must, all of us, be interested.

Neutrality in a competition is injustice to all sides and impartiality, were it possible, will amount to injustice to oneself.

I have thought long and hard, not that the choice is difficult but because I have wavered on whether to be heard on this matter.

The compelling fact that this choice will represent my people and I, has won and so I come into the full glare, my man for the position of PC is Francis Abirigo.

I have worked with him, in UKANAEAST and more recently, on the Doba/Kandiga Conflict Resolution Committee, aka The Justice Atuguba Committee.

Francis is hardworking

He is honest

He is personable

He has initiative

He is a team player

He is humble


Above all

He has the interest of the people at heart, of this I can personally attest.

I vouch for him.


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