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COA-RMLC Warns Against Brand Misuse & Misrepresentation

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Story by: Ishmael Barfi


COA Research & Manufacturing Limited Company (COA-RMLC) has expressed worry over individuals exploiting the COA brand for their products, falsely claiming similarities and misrepresenting affiliations with COA-RMLC. 

This came to light during a media engagement with the President General, Professor Samuel Ato Duncan of COA Research & Manufacturing Limited Company held in Accra on 14th May 2024.

According to Professor Duncan, no individual can manufacture any COA products due to the uniqueness and confidentiality of the COA formula.

Borla Ray, Professor Samuel Ato Duncan (middle) and Pilot Queen, Princess Duncan

He therefore cautioned consumers to be vigilant against misleading claims and to purchase COA products exclusively from authorized distributors.

Highlighting the development of their groundbreaking formula in 2006 and the subsequent registration of COA FS by the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) in 2016, Professor Duncan revealed that, COA FS was reclassified as COA Mixture for general well-being in 2020, reflecting its efficacy and impact on users.

Despite the success and positive testimonials surrounding COA Mixture, Professor Duncan raised a crucial issue concerning brand misuse and expressed deep concern over instances where individuals are exploiting the COA brand to promote and sell their products.

These individuals, he stated, falsely claim similarities to COA products and misrepresent affiliations with COA-RMLC, and such attitudes are affecting the hard-earned brand.

Furthermore, he expressed his frustration and displeasure with the tactics used by these individuals fabricating stories about receiving training from him, implying access to COA’s exclusive formula.

Prof. Samuel Ato Duncan during the Media Engagement

This misinformation according to him is often used to lure customers with promises of similar results at lower prices, leading to potential confusion and dissatisfaction among consumers.

“COA formula is unique and highly confidential, with only one individual possessing complete knowledge of the production process”, he asserted.

He therefore urged consumers to be vigilant and cautious of such misleading claims, advising them to purchase COA products solely from authorized distributors to ensure authenticity and quality.

Meanwhile, Professor Duncan used the media engagement to clarify that COA products are not registered cure products for diseases like cancer, kidney disease, or HIV/AIDS.

Princess Duncan delivering the welcome address

“They are designed to support overall well-being and should not replace traditional medical treatments for serious illnesses”, he emphasized.

Responding to these challenges, COA-RMLC is actively collaborating with the FDA to identify and hold accountable those responsible for false advertising and brand misrepresentation. They are committed to providing consumers with accurate information and ensuring responsible use of COA products.




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