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Allow Political Parties To Observe Voter Transfer Exercise…AEI To Electoral Commission

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Source: Political News Desk


A Civil Society Group, African Electoral Institute (AEI), has said it has sighted a memo from the Electorial Commission’s Deputy Chairman of Operations to all the election management body’s Regional Directors, dated 2 June 2024, not to allow political parties to observe the exercise to transfer votes.

In a press statement dated 3 June, and co-signed by Augustus Kweku Eshun, Director of Communications and External Relations; Deputy Director of Communications and External Relations Nii Adjin Adjin-Tettey; 3rd Dep. Director of Communications and External Relations Emmanuel Biri and Ex-WO1 Alhaji Yussif Mahamah, Head, Electoral Security Department, AEI said it is “admonishing the EC to allow the political parties to observe this exercise to nib in the bud any iota of suspicion and to underscore  the EC’s motto of transparency”.

The institute reminded the EC that the election is a process, and the transfer exercise is part of the process.

“Therefore,” it said, “a mere observation of the vote transfer by political parties will go a long way to augment the transparency credentials of the EC and the acceptance of election results in good faith.”




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