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STEM Plays Pivotal Role in Financial Sector Growth-Dr. Maxwell Ampong

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Report By: Ishmael Barfi


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics According to the Chief Executive Officer of Maxwell Investment Group, Dr. Maxwell Ampong, the role of STEM can not be underestimated in the financial sector’s growth.

To him, the role of STEM in the growth of the financial sector can not be underestimated, therefore there is the need to strengthen and encourage the teaching and learning of STEM at all educational levels across the country.

Speaking to the media at the Second Edition of the Outstanding Teachers Summit (OUTS) held at the Accra College of Education on June 122 2024, Dr. Ampong explained that, the financial sector is dumb because it thrives on infrastructure and infrastructure is engineering and engineering and STEM.

Dr. Maxwell Ampong delivering at the Summit

he Summit brought together educators and stakeholders in the education sector across the country to brainstorm and celebrate the pivotal role teachers play in STEM education in shaping society and the nation.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is an interdisciplinary field and curriculum that integrates these four disciplines.

The goal of STEM education is to encourage proficiency across these interrelated subjects, fostering problem-solving skills and real-world application.

According to Dr. Maxwell Ampong, “We cannot we cannot move anything without the infrastructure that needs to be built and that infrastructure comes from STEM”, he reiterated.

He therefore called for more support and resources to equip teachers as well as provide well-equipped facilities across the country to enable them to teach students, hence providing the nation with problem-solving human resources for the nation’s building.

Stella Gyimaah Larbi, Ghana’s Most Outstanding Teacher of 2022

The Summit founded by Stella Gyimaah Larbi, Ghana’s Most Outstanding Teacher of 2022 under the theme: “Opening Doors of Opportunities” seeks to bridge the gap between academia and the industry.

In addition, it also provides a platform for teachers and learner development emphasizing the need for teachers to adapt to the changing educational landscape as well as collaborate with experts from various fields.

Speaking on the vision of OUTS, she revealed that, OUTS’s vision is essentially to bridge the gap between the industry and academia and provide a platform for teachers to showcase their work.

Section of the audience at the Summit

According to her, there are many possibilities and opportunities out there for teachers but often don’t know how to access them.

“ These platforms like OUTS enable teachers to connect more effectively, get to know one another, and find opportunities for recommendation”, he recounted.

Also speaking at the Summit, Dr. Kimberly West, founder and President of Teach STEM Africa underscored the significance of STEM education.

“Improving STEM education is about enhancing the quality of life, and ensuring that, every student has the chance to succeed”, she emphasized.




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