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GJWN, M-CODe Members Encouraged to Sustain WASH Momentum 

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Report By: Ishmael Barfi

Members of Ghana WASH Journalists Network (GWJN) and the Media Coalition against Open Defecation (M-CODe) have been encouraged to intensify their advocacy efforts on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) issues through comprehensive and educative reportage.

According to the World Vision Ghana Technical Coordinator, Mr. Yaw Arhin, the media plays a critical role in the dissemination of information and advocacy that,  their role can not be under-rated.

To him, World Vision Ghana considers the media as a partner that can drive change in society, a partner that can cause transformation in society.

Mr. Attach made these remarks at a just-ended workshop for members of the Ghana WASH Journalists Network (GWJN) and the Media Coalition against Open Defecation (M-CODe).

Cross Section of Participants at the Workshop

The 2-day Trainer of Trainer Workshop held at the Aqua Safari Resort in Adda organized by World Vision in partnership with Ghana WASH Journalists Network (GWJN) and Media Coalition against Open Defecation (M-CODe leadership brought members across the country to sharpen their skills to enhance their advocacy through their reportage.

In addition, to support World Vision in their policy engagement and policy influencing activities to have accelerated delivery of WASH services.

Highlighting the relevance of the Trainer of Trainers Workshop, Mr. Arhin explained that, there is a need to equip journalists with the necessary skills and knowledge to report on WASH issues effectively, and to promote good hygiene practices and sanitation habits among Ghanaians.

Furthermore, empower GWJN and M-CODe members to increase awareness about the importance of access to safe water, improved sanitation, and good hygiene practices, and to promote behavior change among the general public.

World Vision Ghana Technical Coordinator, Mr. Yaw Arhin interacting with a participant during his session

Though the media is disseminating news, the World Vission Ghana Technical Coordinator explained that more needs to be done in supporting advocacy, ensuring that they hold duty bearers and policymakers to account.

“There’s a limit to which NGOs and civil society, private sector, even development partners can go. But the government has the resources, the government has a capacity and if the government decides to, I mean, drive change in society, they will go far. And we think that that is what the media should be doing. Bring the issues of wash to the front burner, and gig the duty bearers, hold them to account, and ensure that they deliver to the public good for the citizens”, he reiterated.

Ghana WASH Journalist Network (GWJN) National Coordinator Mr. Justifce Lee Adoboe,

On his part, the Ghana WASH Journalist Network (GWJN) National Coordinator Mr. Justifce Lee Adoboe, was grateful for the workshop reiterating the need for journalists to continuously refine their skills to effectively serve their respective roles as media professionals.

The workshop he believed signifies the bond and partnership between WASH journalists and World Vision Ghana in efforts to advocate for universal access to improved sanitation, contributing to the attainment of Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets.

World Vision Ghana, a non-governmental organization is committed to providing clean and safe water to vulnerable communities and partnering with state and non-state actors for sustainable solutions.

Therefore World Vision Ghana’s partnership with GWJN and M-CODe is to scale up the working relationship, and support Ghana’s efforts to achieve universal WASH coverage.

In addition, to enhance reportage on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) activities, promoting awareness and progress in the sector.


Source: www.thenewindependentonline.com

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