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Gyampo lauds Alan Kyerematen’s GTP

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Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen, founder and leader of the Movement for Change has been lauded for launching his Great Transformation Plan (GTP) to help Ghanaians know the decision to make at the December 07 polls.

Professor of Political Science at the University of Ghana, Ransford Edward Van Gyampo, is extolling the former Trade and Industry Minister on the back of failure of the NPP and NDC to present their version of what they have to offer Ghanaians few months to the election.

According to Professor Gyampo, Ghanaians deserve to know in time, what the parties have to offer, rather than waiting till the eve of the elections to rush their policies on the citizenry.

Giving his preliminary comments on the KeyPoints on TV3 Saturday, June 29, 2024, the Professor said the Movement for Change’s GTP is well endowed so much such that it boosted his crave for what the two main political parties have to offer.

“I commend Alan Kyerematen for launching his Great Transformation Plan (GTP). I have read the document. Initially I thought that the election of 2024 was going to be a simple decider between light and day but after reading his GTP and the content, now it’s making me crave to read what the other parties will bring so that we can exercise our right of choice but I say this to the shame of the political parties that I do not understand why up till now, five months…,” Prof. Gyampo stated.

He added that the idea of the NPP and NDC thinking someone would copy their manifestos if they present them, is not a reason to delay their policies since Ghanaians are discerning enough to know who engineered an idea and who is copying.

“It is not about being scared that when you outdoor your manifesto someone will copy. If you bring the manifesto promises and people are copying, we are discerning enough to know who initiated what and who is copying what. So I call on them to treat Ghanaians with some respect and the practice of waiting till the dying minutes of elections before outdooring their manifesto is unacceptable,” he stated.

Prof. Gyampo lambasted the two political parties for the delay in presenting their policy blueprint which he says didn’t use to be like that prior to the 2016 elections.

“It is just about five months to elections and the key political parties have not been able to let us know what they stand for –their manifesto, proper blueprint that will serve to guide the conduct of their party rallies and campaign. They don’t have manifestos and so I’m disappointed. We are retrogressing every election season. It didn’t use to be the case that we have just about five months to elections and parties are not outdooring their manifesto blueprints. It is absolutely unacceptable,” he stated.

“It started in the 2016 and 2020 elections. But it didn’t use to be like that so political elites should take us a bit more seriously. We want to read what they stand for,” he added.




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