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Don’t be deceived that Ghanaians are too peaceful – Nii Lantey advises colleague politicians to take cue from Kenyan incident

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The Member of Parliament for Odododiodio, Edwin Nii Lantey Vanderpuye, has cautioned Ghanaian politicians to address the sentiments of the public to prevent what occurred in Kenya from happening here.

According to the Ghanaian lawmaker who was present in Kenya at the time the youth stormed the Legislative House to demand withdrawal of a tax bill that was being passed, the public’s perception of the arms of government in the country is not the best.

He has advised the government not to take the peaceful nature of Ghanaians for granted since people can go haywire if the impunity of the political class goes beyond their endurance.

Speaking on the floor of Parliament Wednesday, July 03, 2024, the MP listed how the three arms of government have become in the sight of the citizenry.

“We should not be deceived. Yes, we can preach and preach and preach peace all the time. But when people think that the impunity of the political class is beyond their endurance, they will definitely react.

“Today, as we sit here, the perception out there is that the executive is corrupt. The judiciary has become a political pawn. We, the legislature, are selfish and uncaring and they have low expectations of our ability to fight for them. And that is a danger,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Alexander Kwamina Afenyo-Markin, the Majority Leader in Parliament, on his part, counseled that the political class addresses the discontentment of the public to avoid similar incidents in Ghana.

He said politicians should be proactive in taking measures to address the issues of the people collectively, irrespective of political affiliation, to avoid agitations and protests.

According to the Effutu Member of Parliament, the political class should not be blinded by their quest to secure power at the expense of the needs of the masses.

“The recent Gen Z activism in Kenya serves as a striking warning. To prevent such scenarios in Ghana, it is imperative that the political class collaboratively take proactive and comprehensive measures to address the underlying causes of public discontent.

“Our preoccupation with political manoeuvring should not blind us to the reality of public expectations. Let us recommit to a national agenda that not only leverages the potential of our youth but also unlocks the massive development potential often associated with a demographic dividend,” he said Wednesday, July 03, 2024.





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