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Youth Power: BNAC Committee Ready to Drive NDC’s Agenda

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Source: Political Desk

To ensure victory for the Nationàl Democratic Congress (NDC) Presidential Flagbearer John Mahama and Parliamentary Candidate Felix Okle Akwetey, respectively, the Bortianor/Ngleshie-Amanfro Constituency Youth Wing has inaugurated its Youth Working Committee on Tuesday, August 13, 2024.

The event took place at the constituency office, where the constituency chairman, Bright Atsu Modzaka, officially welcomed the new committee members.

In his address, Chairman Modzaka emphasized the importance of mindful communication, especially on social media, reminding the youth that their words have the power to make or break individuals and the party.

He urged them to always protect the party’s interests.

Ezekiel Nanor, the Constituency Youth Organizer, introduced the committee members, selected from six wards based on their experience, trust, and hard work.

He cautioned against working against the party’s interests and encouraged the team to work together to unseat the opposing party in the upcoming elections.

Comrade Fred Ativor, a former Constituency Youth Organizer, shared his experiences and offered to monitor and report any actions against the party’s interests.

Other members, Wonder Tortor, Albert Senyo Zoranoo, and Desmond Senanu Awuku, highlighted the importance of securing a parliamentary majority and promoting the party’s policies.

The team expressed their readiness to work tirelessly to promote the party’s candidates, engage in constructive dialogue, and develop innovative solutions to win the hearts of the youth.

They requested logistical support from the constituency chairman to aid their efforts.

With a united spirit, the BNAC Youth Working Committee embarked on their mission, chanting “Youth: Power, Youth: Action, Action: Now, Now, Now!”



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