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Power of Focus by Operating for Growth with One Single Metric

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Source: Dr. Maxwell Ampong


There is power in a singular focus. It’s the difference between a company that merely survives and one that thrives exponentially. When every facet of an organisation rallies behind one pivotal metric, the potential for transformative growth becomes not just a possibility but a reality.

Operating for growth by concentrating on one defining metric isn’t a new concept, but it’s one that’s often overlooked in the quest for immediate gains and juggling multiple priorities. We often see entrepreneurs and startups doing too much too soon instead of growing and building upon the depth of one (or a few) key feature(s) that could be a game changer with growth.

Over the past decade, I’ve witnessed firsthand the remarkable impact of this strategy. Leading a company through the dynamic landscapes of agro-trading and agro-processing, the commitment to one core metric became the cornerstone of our growth. This singular focus streamlined our operations and ignited a momentum that carried us through challenges and positioned us strongly in the market. The lessons learned through this journey underscore the profound difference that operating for growth with one key metric can make.



This metric I speak of isn’t just another number on a balance sheet. It is the embodiment of the value a company delivers to its customers. By honing in on this one pivotal measure, organisations can steer their strategies with precision, ensuring that every effort propels them closer to their vision of success.

Global industry leaders have demonstrated the transformative power of this approach. Take Facebook, for instance. By focusing relentlessly on monthly active users, they didn’t just track a statistic; they also gauged the heartbeat of their platform’s community. This singular focus enabled them to tailor user experiences, drive engagement, and ultimately scale to unprecedented heights.

Similarly, Airbnb zeroed in on nights booked. This metric allowed them to follow closely both supply and demand dynamics, guiding them to enhance host offerings and streamline guest experiences. This fuelled their rapid global expansion.

This concept of a ‘North Star Metric’, as some call it, resonated deeply with me from the get-go. Witnessing how these giants channelled their resources and aligned their teams around one defining metric influenced my own strategic thinking. It became clear that to navigate the competitive terrains of agro-trading and agro-processing, my company needed a singular focal point through which the team would channel all our energies, a metric that would unify our purpose and drive every decision.



When a company centres its attention on one critical metric, it creates a ripple effect that aligns every facet of the business. This singular focus becomes the lens through which all strategies are crafted and decisions are made. Operations streamline processes to support it; marketing tailors messages to amplify it; every department moves in unison towards a common goal.

In practice, this alignment transforms the way a business operates daily. Decisions that once seemed complex become straightforward when measured against the guiding metric. If an initiative doesn’t contribute to enhancing that key figure, it’s set aside in favour of one that does. This clarity accelerates progress and minimises wasted effort.

In my experience with Maxwell Investments Group, this approach proved invaluable. By prioritising volumes traded over other immediate gains, we reshaped our strategies to maximise throughput. Our procurement team focused on securing larger quantities of agricultural produce, knowing that increased volume would strengthen supplier relationships and improve bargaining power. The sales team concentrated on expanding our distribution networks to handle greater quantities, rather than chasing smaller, high-margin deals.

This focus permeated every level of Maxwell Investments Group. Meetings became more productive as discussions centred on how to move many more millions of kilos more efficiently. Marketing efforts were designed to attract partners capable of handling or helping us handle substantial volumes. Even investments in infrastructure were guided by the question: “Will this enable us to trade more volume?”

By aligning our operations around this one metric, we unlocked efficiencies that might have otherwise remained hidden. The entire company moved cohesively, each department’s efforts reinforcing the others. This synergy propelled our growth and fostered a culture of unity and purpose that drove us forward.



Selecting the right metric is paramount. It must encapsulate the core driver of growth specific to your industry. Not all metrics hold equal weight across different sectors. The challenge lies in identifying the one that will propel your business forward most effectively. This requires a deep understanding of the industry’s intricacies and what truly influences success within it.

In sectors like agro-trading and agro-processing, volume often supersedes revenue or margins as the critical measure of growth. Why is this the case? Because these industries thrive on economies of scale. The more volume you handle, the more efficiently you can operate, reducing costs per unit and increasing competitiveness. Focusing on revenue alone can be misleading; high revenues don’t necessarily indicate sustainable growth if not backed by substantial volume.

This realisation was a turning point for us at Maxwell Investments Group. We understood that prioritising the trading of millions of kilos per unit of time would yield greater long-term benefits than chasing immediate revenue spikes. By concentrating on volume, we could strengthen our supply chains, negotiate better terms with suppliers, and meet the demands of larger clients. This focus enabled us to scale efficiently, opening doors to markets that were previously beyond our reach.

Choosing volume as our North Star Metric was more than just a strategic decision. It was a commitment to a growth trajectory that emphasised sustainability and scalability. It required a shift in perspective, recognising that the sheer quantity of goods moved in our industry would ultimately lead to more substantial margins and revenue growth over time. This decision has become the cornerstone of our success, demonstrating the profound impact of selecting the right metric to guide your business.



The drive towards a singular metric begins at the top. As the CEO, your influence is paramount in embedding this focus within the company culture. Your commitment to the one metric sets the tone for the entire organisation. Declaring its importance is not enough; you must embody it in every action and decision. When the leader lives and breathes the core metric, it signals to every team member that this is not just a directive – it’s the lifeblood of the company.

Creating a unified vision requires deliberate strategies and regular communication. Consistently articulate how the one metric aligns with the company’s mission and how each department contributes to it. Integrate the metric into goal-setting, performance reviews, and team meetings. By keeping it at the forefront of every conversation, you ensure it remains the central focus.

In my journey leading Maxwell Investments Group, embracing this role was transformative. By personally championing our focus on trading volumes, I witnessed how it galvanised the team. Decisions at every level began to reflect this priority. Teams collaborated more effectively, understanding that their collective efforts drove the metric forward. The energy shifted. We were no longer a collection of departments but a cohesive force moving towards a common goal. Many who joined the company also quickly fell off because when a company’s direction is this much defined, it is easy to spot when something doesn’t fit into nor contribute to the ultimate goal.

As the leader of your startup, business or entrepreneurship venture, your leadership becomes the catalyst that turns a metric into a movement within your company. When you demonstrate unwavering commitment, it inspires the same dedication in others. This collective focus creates momentum, propelling the organisation towards unprecedented growth.



It needs repeating that clear communication is the linchpin in maintaining a steadfast focus on the chosen metric. When every team member understands the metric and why it matters, they become empowered contributors to the company’s growth. Transparent communication breaks down silos and fosters a culture where everyone is pulling in the same direction.

A single, well-defined metric provides clarity of purpose. It eliminates ambiguity about goals and expectations, allowing employees to see how their individual roles directly impact the company’s success. This clarity is a powerful motivator and transforms routine tasks into meaningful contributions towards a larger objective. When teams grasp the significance of their work in moving the needle on the core metric, engagement and productivity naturally increase.

At Maxwell Investments Group, we placed our volume metric at the heart of all team interactions. Meetings began with updates on our progress towards increasing volumes traded. Reports highlighted how every effort affected overall volume. We implemented incentive programmes that rewarded teams and individuals who contributed significantly to boosting this metric. By keeping the focus consistent and central in every aspect of our operations, we cultivated an environment where everyone was invested in the same goal. And again, those that didn’t fit, quickly fell off. This approach ensured that every strategy devised, every action taken, and every decision made was aligned with our primary objective.



Even with a singular focus driving your business forward, challenges are inevitable. One potential pitfall of concentrating on one metric is the risk of neglecting other critical areas. When a company becomes too fixated, there’s a chance of overlooking factors like customer satisfaction, innovation, or financial health. This tunnel vision can lead to imbalances that may harm the business in the long run.

Rigidity is another hazard. Markets are fluid, and clinging too tightly to a single metric without considering environmental changes can be detrimental. It’s essential to remain flexible and responsive to shifts in market dynamics, customer preferences, and technological advancements. Adaptability doesn’t mean abandoning your core focus. Rather, it involves adjusting your strategies to continue driving the metric forward under new circumstances.

At Maxwell Investments Group, we encountered several challenges that tested our commitment to our volume-centric approach. There were periods when market fluctuations led to supply shortages, making it difficult to maintain our trading volumes. Instead of deviating from our focus, we adapted by diversifying our supplier base and investing in more efficient logistics and/or payment terms with either suppliers, or off-takers, or both.

We also learned the importance of not letting our focus on volume compromise other aspects of the business. Quality control became a paramount concern. Trading larger quantities meant little if product quality suffered. We implemented stringent quality assurance processes to ensure that increased volumes did not come at the expense of our reputation and corporate integrity.

These experiences taught us that maintaining a singular focus requires a balance between dedication and adaptability. By staying true to our core metric while remaining responsive to challenges, we reinforced our growth trajectory.



The one metric focus is particularly impactful within the African entrepreneurial landscape. Startups across the continent often navigate unique challenges like limited resources, infrastructural hurdles, and rapidly changing market conditions. In such an environment, concentrating on a single, pivotal metric can be the catalyst that drives exceptional growth and sustainability.

For African entrepreneurs, this approach allows for sharp focus amidst complexity. It enables startups to allocate scarce resources efficiently, make swift decisions, and create strategies that are both effective and adaptable. By zeroing in on what truly propels the business forward, companies can cut through distractions and tackle the most pressing issues head-on.

Consider M-Pesa in Kenya. By focusing relentlessly on the number of active users of their mobile money platform, they revolutionised financial transactions for millions. This singular focus on user adoption drove them to enhance accessibility, simplify user experience, and build trust within communities. The result was unprecedented growth and a profound impact on financial inclusion across the region.

Another example is Jumia, Africa’s giant e-commerce platform. Jumia focused on increasing the number of orders processed through its site. By honing in on this metric, they streamlined operations, expanded product offerings, and enhanced customer service. I’ve listened to some of their leaders talk about this on stage. This focus enabled them to scale rapidly across multiple countries, adapting to diverse markets while maintaining a consistent growth trajectory.

These success stories mirror the journey we undertook at Maxwell Investments Group. The challenges we faced, like market volatility, supply chain complexities, and competitive pressures, are common threads among African startups. However, the commitment to a singular metric provided a clear pathway through these obstacles.

By identifying the one metric that most directly influences your growth and dedicating your organisation to it, you can harness the same power of focus. This strategy unifies teams, clarifies objectives, and accelerates progress even in the most challenging environments.



Identifying Your Metric

The journey towards operating for growth begins with selecting the one metric that will serve as your ‘North Star’. This metric should be the most direct indicator of the value your business delivers and the primary driver of your growth. To identify it, start by analysing your business model and industry dynamics. Ask yourself:

  • What is the core value we provide to our customers?
  • Which metric most accurately reflects this value?
  • How does this metric influence our revenue, profitability, and long-term sustainability?

Consider the unique aspects of your industry. For a tech startup, it might be daily active users or time spent on the platform. For a manufacturing company, it could be units produced or production uptime. The key is to choose a metric that, when improved, has a cascading positive effect on other areas of your business.

Implementing the Focus

Once you’ve identified your metric, the next step is to embed this focus into every layer of your organisation. Here’s how:

  1. Communicate the Vision:Clearly articulate to your team why this metric matters and how it aligns with the company’s mission and goals. Ensure everyone understands the direct impact their work has on moving this metric.
  2. Align Goals and Incentives:Set departmental and individual goals that contribute to improving the metric. Adjust performance evaluations and incentive programmes to reward progress in this area.
  3. Integrate into Decision-Making:Use the metric as a lens for all strategic decisions. Before launching new initiatives or projects, assess how they will affect your core metric.
  4. Provide Resources and Support:Allocate the necessary resources, be it technology, training, or personnel, to initiatives that drive the metric forward. Remove obstacles that hinder progress.
  5. Lead by Example:As a leader, demonstrate your commitment through actions. Prioritise discussions around the metric in meetings and celebrate milestones achieved in its improvement.

Continuous Evaluation

The business landscape is ever-changing, and it’s crucial to regularly assess the relevance and impact of your chosen metric. To ensure your focus remains effective:

  • Monitor Industry Trends:Stay informed about shifts in your industry that may affect the importance of your metric. Be prepared to adjust if another metric becomes a more accurate growth indicator.
  • Gather Feedback:Encourage open communication within your team about the challenges and successes related to the metric. Employee insights can reveal areas for improvement or innovation.
  • Analyse Performance Data:Regularly review data to track progress. Look for patterns and correlations that can inform strategy adjustments.
  • Be Willing to Adapt:If circumstances change, such as market disruptions or new competitive pressures, be flexible enough to recalibrate your focus. This might mean refining your metric or shifting to a new one that better aligns with your growth objectives.

By thoughtfully selecting your metric, ingraining it into the fabric of your company, and continually evaluating its effectiveness, you position your business for sustained growth. This disciplined approach ensures that every effort contributes meaningfully towards your overarching goal, amplifying your impact in the market.



The power of operating for growth with one singular focus cannot be overstated. When a company rallies around one pivotal metric, it channels its energies, resources, and creativity towards a common purpose. This concentrated effort accelerates progress and fosters a unified culture where every team member understands their role in the journey towards success.

Reflecting on my own experience with Maxwell Investments Group, I realise that this approach was transformative. By honing in on trading volumes as our North Star Metric, we unlocked growth opportunities that might have otherwise remained hidden. It sharpened our strategies, aligned our teams, and propelled us to achieve milestones that once seemed ambitious. The clarity and momentum gained from this singular focus have been instrumental in shaping our company’s trajectory over the past decade.

To fellow entrepreneurs and business leaders, I urge you to consider the immense potential of this strategy. Identify the one metric that truly drives your business forward and commit to it wholeheartedly. By doing so, you harness the power of focus, a force that can elevate your venture to new heights. In a world buzzing with distractions and competing priorities, let this focused approach be the compass that guides you to remarkable outcomes.

I hope you found this article insightful and enjoyable. Your feedback is highly valued and appreciated. I welcome your suggestions for topics you want me to address or provide insights on. You can schedule a meeting with me at your convenience through my Calendly at Alternatively, connect with me through various channels on my Linktree page at

I wish you a highly productive and successful week ahead!


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Dr. Maxwell Ampong serves as the CEO of Maxwell Investments Group. He is also an Honorary Curator at the Ghana National Museum and the Official Business Advisor with the General Agricultural Workers Union of Ghana (GAWU) under Ghana’s Trade Union Congress (TUC). Dr. Ampong writes on relevant economic topics and provides general perspective pieces. “Entrepreneur In You” is supported by GCB Bank PLC and operates under the auspices of the Africa School of Entrepreneurship, an initiative of Maxwell Investments Group.



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