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Mounting of Giant billboards was a fruitless Venture- Ishmael Ashitey

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Mounting of Giant billboards was a fruitless Venture- Ishmael Ashitey

Story by:Ishmael Barfi- Heroes Park,Kumasi

The actions of Hopefuls contesting for the various positions of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) at the national level especially the mounting of giant billboards at the Conference grounds and cities has been described as a fruitless venture since the party is yet to give green light in respect to internal party campaign and elections.

According to former Greater Accra Regional Chairman of the party, Mr. Ishmael Ashitey, it is inappropriate for members who intend to contest for positions in the party to invest into such giant billboards as well as engage in open campaign against the party directive ahead of it’s National Delegates’ Conference.

The ruling party, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) National Delegates’ Conference slated for today, 18th December to 20th December, 2021 in Kumasi, Ashanti Region aim is to enhance Party unity around the singular effort of working closely with Ghanaians as well focus on dealing with Constitutional amendments proposed by members among other pressing issues.

Nat. Annual Delegates’ Conference: “Mounting Giant billboards is a fruitless Venture”- Ishmael Ashitey

Mr. Ishmael Ashitey who intends to contest for the National Chairman of the party made these statements on Happy FM afternoon show dubbed ‘Epa Hoa, Daben? Hosted by Sefa  Dankwa at the Conference grounds, Heroes Park, Kumasi and monitored by this reporter.

Lamenting bitterly on this development, he was of the view that, such huge monies for these giant billboards can be channeled to support the grassroots to champion the cause of government and party.

“These billboards cost million of cedis that, it can at least give hope to the grassroots who campaigned for the party to win power and  now looks attractive to them”, he bemoaned.

Such actions he stated are not seen when the party is in opposition but seen when in government saying, it gives prudence to the thoughts of the ordinary Ghanaians that, politicians are ‘thieves’.

Nat. Annual Delegates’ Conference: “Mounting Giant billboards is a fruitless Venture”- Ishmael Ashitey

Adding that, these expensive billboards mounted by these hopefuls are not needed.

He therefore appreciated the directives given by the National Steering Committee banning such Billboards, paraphernalia, flyers among others at the Conference grounds.

“When we are in power, we behave differently and behave otherwise in opposition”, he busted.

Touching on his motivation to contest for the National Chairmanship of the party, the former Greater Accra Regional Chairman, Mr. Ishmael Ashitey explained that, his first motivation is that, major personalities from his tribe, Ga has excelled in their respective positions in the party.

Some members of NPP at the Conference grounds, Heroes Park

“Any one who comes from the Ga tribe excels well at the national level, therefore believes that, his chances of excelling as a National Chairman is high”, he reiterated.

In addition, his track record during his days as the Greater Accra Regional Chairman gives volumes and knows when the time comes, delegates will give him the mandate to chair party to another victory come 2024.

Recounting his achievements during his days as the Greater Accra Regional Chairman, Mr. Ishmael Ashitey revealed that, the party at the regional level saw massive improvement and transformation.

Adding that, Parliament seats of the party increased from nine (9) to 21 seats, hence added twelve (12) seats.

“This shows that, I have the skills, and abilities to stir the affairs of the party to retain and win more seats as well power come 2024”, he stressed.

Some members of NPP at the Conference grounds, Heroes Park

With regards to the grassroots and recent behaviors, he lamented that, most of the boys at the grassroots are hungry and left unattended to.

“Our boys are not indiscipline youth  but hungry and disappointed stating ‘a hungry person is a hungry person’.

“These are the people who went into the bush to campaign for the party and their negligence is worrying”, he lamented.

He therefore made a passionate call to party faithful given positions to champion the cause of the party and wellbeing of the grassroots.

There is the need for party faithfuls placed in positions need to champion the cause of the party .





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