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Angry Kasoa residents take over streets to protest bad roads

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Angry residents in Kasoa blocked the major street to protest against the bad nature of roads on Friday, October 20.

This demonstration caused heavy traffic on the Kasoa-Accra highway.

The protest was a response to the deteriorating condition of a section of the highway located between Old Barrier and the Kasoa toll booth.

During rains, the Old Barrier to Kasoa toll booth segment of this crucial highway, linking the Greater Accra Region and the Central Region, becomes extremely challenging to navigate due to the accumulation of silt on the road.

Protestors demonstrating for proper roads

This issue poses serious risks, as the flow of water can sweep vehicles away, endangering passengers.

In response to these ongoing challenges, the residents staged a street protest to draw attention to their predicament and demand that the authorities take action to repair the road.

This morning, both vehicular and pedestrian traffic from Old Barrier came to a standstill, forcing passengers to disembark from vehicles and continue their journey on foot, as the protestors had completely blocked the roads in all directions.

Police controlling the protestors

The protest, known as “Fix Kasoa Highway,” primarily involved commercial trotro and taxi drivers who appeared in red attire and danced on the roads.

At Old Barrier, the demonstrators submitted a petition to the Municipal Assembly, seeking a solution to the longstanding issue.


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