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KNUST Great Hall Overflows as GCB Bank and Maxwell  Investments Group Launch ‘Entrepreneur In You’ Campus Tour

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Source: Business Desk


The ‘Entrepreneur In You’ Campus Tour, proudly sponsored by GCB Bank PLC, has been a beacon of empowerment for Ghana’s future leaders since its inception in 2017. The event, a collaborative effort by Maxwell Investments Group (MIG) and the Africa School of Entrepreneurship (ASoE), has consistently supported and nurtured aspiring entrepreneurs by addressing global issues and promoting business innovation.

On June 14, 2024, the event drew a diverse crowd of nearly 2000 students from various universities, including UGBS and UBIDS, underscoring its profound influence. GCB Bank PLC, Ghana’s largest indigenous bank, solidified its dedication to youth and entrepreneurship through its partnership with the ‘Entrepreneur In You’ initiative. This collaboration was the result of extensive discussions between Dr. Maxwell Ampong and senior leaders of GCB Bank, such as Mr Linus Kumi, GCB’s Head of Corporate Banking, and Mr George Fuachie, GCB’s Head of Special Projects and Investor Relations.

The event featured unique interactive sessions, during which leaders continuously addressed real-life and spontaneous questions from attending students for many hours. This provided a rare opportunity for students to directly engage with industry leaders and gain valuable insights. GCB Bank PLC reiterated its support for Ghanaian youth and outlined plans to continue working with Dr Ampong and MIG to provide impactful student funding solutions.

This initiative aligns with global social impact standards, including ESG criteria. It contributes to several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). It also aligns with recent global calls for sustainable solutions to major challenges. The ‘Entrepreneur In You’ campus tour not only highlights the importance of collaboration in achieving sustainable development but also underscores the pivotal role of our audience in empowering future entrepreneurs.


Dear Students and Participants,

From Maxwell Investments Group, the Africa School of Entrepreneurship, and GCB Bank, we would like to thank you for participating in the recent ‘Entrepreneur In You’ Campus Tour event at the Great Hall of KNUST.
We want to share some compelling statistics with you that directly relate to your entrepreneurial journey:

– The private sector generates 92% of Ghana’s employment.
– 85% of businesses in Ghana are Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

These figures highlight a compelling reality: the majority of Ghanaians, including you, are inherently entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurship is woven into the fabric of our society. However, the challenge lies in scaling these businesses and ensuring their sustainability across generations. You have the potential to overcome this challenge and become a successful entrepreneur.

Let’s delve into the three crucial areas that can transform your entrepreneurial journey: a mindset change, skill set enhancement, and acquiring the right toolset.
a. Mindset Change: Cultivating a Growth-Oriented Perspective

– Embrace Innovation: Encourage creativity and the willingness to explore new ideas and solutions.

– Resilience and Adaptability: Learn to navigate setbacks and view them as opportunities for growth.

– Long-term Vision: Foster a vision that goes beyond immediate gains and looks towards sustainable success.

  1. Skill Set Enhancement: Equipping for Excellence

– Business Acumen: Understand the intricacies of business operations, finance, and marketing.

– Leadership and Management: Develop strong leadership skills to inspire and manage teams effectively.

– Technical Expertise: Stay updated with the latest technological advancements relevant to your industry.

  1. Toolset Acquisition: Leveraging Resources for Growth

– Financial Tools: Access funding, investment opportunities, and financial management tools.

– Digital Tools: Utilise digital marketing, e-commerce platforms, and business management software.

– Networking Resources: Build connections with mentors, industry leaders, and fellow entrepreneurs for support and collaboration.

As future business leaders, it’s crucial to recognise the pivotal role of banking and finance in empowering your entrepreneurial journey.

  1. Financial Literacy:Financial literacy is the cornerstone of any successful entrepreneur. Understanding budgeting, saving, investing, and managing credit is crucial. Banks offer workshops, seminars, and online tools to help you build this essential knowledge.

– “Financial literacy is the roadmap to your entrepreneurial success.”

  1. Access to Capital:One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face is securing capital. Banks provide various products, such as business loans, lines of credit, and credit cards, to help fund ventures. Crafting a compelling business plan and understanding loan requirements will boost your chances of obtaining the necessary funding.

– “With the right financial support, your business dreams can take flight.”

  1. Building Creditworthiness:A strong credit score with financial institutions is vital for entrepreneurs. It influences your borrowing ability, interest rates, and business credibility. Manage your personal and business finances responsibly, pay bills on time, and keep debt levels low.

– “A solid credit score is the backbone of business credibility.”

  1. Leveraging Banking Relationships:Cultivate strong relationships with your bank and its representatives. Many banks offer advisory services, providing valuable insights into financial management and growth strategies. These relationships can be crucial allies in your entrepreneurial journey.

– “A strong banking partnership is as valuable as a great idea.”

  1. Utilising Digital Banking Tools:Embrace digital banking for efficient financial management. Online platforms and mobile apps offer tools to track expenses, make payments, and manage your finances in real time.

– “Digital tools are the modern entrepreneur’s best friend.”

  1. Risk Management: Understanding and managing risk is crucial. Banks offer insurance products and risk management services to protect your business from unforeseen events. Discuss these options with your bank to safeguard your business.

– “Risk management is the safety net for your entrepreneurial leap.”

  1. Networking and Mentorship:Banks often run programs to support entrepreneurs, including networking events and mentorship programs. These provide opportunities to connect with other entrepreneurs, potential investors, and experienced mentors.

– “Business success is often about who you know and who knows you.”

  1. Continuous Learning:Entrepreneurship is a journey of continuous learning. Stay informed about the latest banking and financial trends and seek educational opportunities. Expand your knowledge to position you for long-term success.

– “Continuous learning is the fuel for entrepreneurial innovation.”

In conclusion, the entrepreneurial spirit thrives on passion, innovation, and resilience. By leveraging the knowledge and tools provided at this event and with the support of banking resources, you can build a solid foundation for your business, navigate financial challenges, and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams. Remember, every successful entrepreneur starts with a dream and takes proactive steps to realise it. The event you just attended and this initiative, the ‘Entrepreneur In You’, are crucial steps in this journey.

Entrepreneurship is the art of turning vision into reality with strategic financial partnerships. It is the art of turning passion into progress, and with the right financial tools, every dream can become a reality. Embrace financial literacy, leverage banking resources, and let innovation guide your journey.

Thank you for your active participation in the event. We appreciate your eagerness to learn and your commitment to your entrepreneurial endeavours. We wish you all the best in your journey.




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